Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Taking a Trip to the Ideal Home Show

In order to try and gain a little more inspiration for my project, I took a little trip down to London to visit the Ideal Home show with Emma. She'd been a few years ago and said it was a really great experience, we both work within an interior market, so I thought it would probably be a great why with me too! Although I was really excited and thought it'd be this amazing place, filled with wallpaper and luxury and beautiful pieces, I was very disappointed when I got there to see that this was not the majority, and actually quite lot of it was garden furniture and hot tubs, lighting and kitchen surfaces (something that would be very helpful for Emma who is working with ceramic tiles at the moment). I was still very glad that we went though, even if it wasn't as helpful as it thought. There wasn't any wallpaper companies there, nor anything of the like, but there was some furniture companies that had wallpaper books, that we papers they had used to decorate their stand. Again, I found a lovely sample book with lovely subtle metallics and glass beaded designs. Something I'm beginning to notice is that a lot of the wallpapers that I'm looking at are more simple, designs, perhaps that have come from a more detailed drawings, but they're now just silhouettes or textured shapes. Do I need to take my work more in this direction in order to fit into the market better? 

As well as this find on a furniture stall, there was a lot of great room set ups that could inspire how I connect my work in the future? Usually I would just fill a blank white room with my designs, but I think I'm going to attempt to build my own context image, so we'll see how that goes. This experience also got me a little more used to the way of London, and how to get across the city. I'd really like to do this more in future, at the moment I can get quite anxious in London, especially on the tube. Sometimes I'm fine but other times, normally when it's busier, I can have panic attacks and fits of tears when I'm down there. This is something I really want to try and get over, mainly because I'd love my career to take me to London in the future, it's the best place to be, but I can't be there if I'm panicking all the time. 

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